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Developmental Plan of WEWN 2020


WEWN (Women Empowering  Women Network) is a community interest company that focuses on migrant women empowerment (ex- asylum seekers, refugees, and generally marginalised premises) to activate their engagement in local economies and social integration.


WEWN offers joined-up support with individuals and organizations  to enable delivery of specialized services to migrant women. Entrepreneurial orientation of women has been explored by many scholars and the gender gap has been identified as the number between women and men proactively involved in entrepreneurial activities measured through their motivation to venture into business start-up, sector choices, upscaling and growth of businesses. (Minniti,2010).


In a review of entrepreneurial orientation of women in North Africa, the ILO (2016) established that women were more disadvantaged than men because of (1) constraints emanating from lack of necessary human and financial capital, (2) restrictive social norms that commit women to family and home responsibilities, and (3) cultural beliefs that diminish women’s economic roles. In the UK, the entrepreneurial orientation of ethnic minority communities and immigrant backgrounds has been noted to be double in comparison  to white British citizens as cited by a 20-year progressive analysis scale referenced by (Aston University, 2018).

Immensely WEWN’s specialist tailor made services have been well thought to provide migrant  women with the relevant and adequate opportunity to learn and understand how to access the business world within their respective communities  through the  sharing  of academic and practical  knowledge on how to initiate business start-up, charity, self-employment, community organisation, or social enterprise.


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Our Services


Business Leadership, Mentoring, and Management Service

To enable the target group to rebuild their lives in the North East, increase their self-reliance and become economically and socially active in their new community.

Apprenticeship Placements

To assist our target grup to reach for their dreams and aspirations in the transition from unemployment to learning on the job through training.

Volunteer Placement Service

To enable individuals to reach their full potential.


Engage and Excel Programme Participant Testimony

Since September 2016, WEWN has worked with over 50 unemployed, underemployed or economically inactive BAMEs. Likewise, the company directed training workshops, regular meetings, of business networks and leadership meetings for the generation of business.

If you are interested in working with us, or want to discuss further, please do not hesitate to contact us through link below

Ready to find out more?

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Contact Us

Dear Sir/ Madam, Thank you for getting in touch, there is options on how can we help you. If it’s about booking a session please use the link below and click the BOOK Now button to be diverted to the calendar. Preferably you can pay your booking direct to our bank account your will details when you contact or when you press the lick above شكرًا على تواصلك معنا ، كيف يمكننا مساعدتك. إذا كان الأمر يتعلق بحجز جلسة ، فيرجى استخدام الرابط أدناه والنقر فوق الزر "حجز الآن" ليتم تحويلك إلى التقويم. يفضل أن تدفع حجزك مباشرة إلى حسابنا البنكي وإبلاغنا بالدفع لتأكيد الموعد. Regards Afia Team

Registered Address

83 Hylton Ave

South Shields

NE34 7SF

Tel. +44 7936 592975

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